Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I meet Quetzalcoatl, Popocatépetl, Iztaccíhuatl and more

Playing catch-up here. Didn't realize how taxing a daily blog would be. So, ten years ago today, looks like I was back shooting on the video set. This time we were in some clothing store. What I have missed in the past three days was, more one video day at the ballet school in Coyoacán, we drove out to photograph the volcanoes "Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl", on Monday we photographed Museo Nacional de Antropología (I remember because like most museums, it was closed).

Museo Nacional de Antropología - Images by Don Couch

We then photographed Tenochtitlan.

Tenochtitlan - Images by Don Couch

We also had a Video shoot in Coyoacán

Video shoot - Coyoacán - Images by Don Couch

 "Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl"

 I'm trying to make sense of the cataloging system for the Mexico segment of the project. I'm having a little difficulty sorting out the days. It appears we were still referencing film as I have the CD's with folders inside called roll 1, roll 2, etc. If I remember now, we were trying to sort the different shoots we would do. So in one day we may have had three or for shoots and those may all fit on one CD so for example, the CD marked "HRW-MEXCIO CD65" has roll 41B,44B, 46B, 67B, 82B on it. then I have a note pad with a brief description of what each roll is. Again, remember, this project was ten years ago. I am just now archiving them to LIGHTROOM. I know the next leg of the project in Spain, Mark Cooper just put all the images into one folder and burn CD's with the file in sequential order. Thanks Mark! That should make cataloging them much easier now.

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